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I have talked about thinking outside the box in many posts on this site. So what is this box, how did we get into it and what is outside of it? These may be questions you have asked yourself about when reading this Blog. I will attempt to answer these now since I haven’t taken the time to do so thus far. This is because I want you to understand what I am talking about when I use this term ‘Thinking Outside The Box’.

A box is a container. It holds a certain quantity or volume of items determined by it’s measurements. These measurements can be big or small which determines the quantity or volume that it can hold. When I use this analogy it is because the ideas and concepts that are contained in our minds limit us to a small or larger view of the world. To a limited or expansive view of solutions to our problems and issues.

This ‘box’ in our minds limits the way we can see the world around us. We can’t imagine anything outside of these ideas and concepts ingrained in our minds. It keeps us stuck in doing things the same or in similar ways no matter what the consequences are. Earthlings been unable to see ‘outside their box’ for new ways to solve old problems. This is why they remain unresolved. Poverty, disease, hunger, thirst and strife have existed for far to long.

As Earthlings we are unable to see that the possibilities for solving our problems and issues are as endless as are imaginations. These limiting ideas and concepts of the ‘box’ in our minds are what keep us from finding new ways to do things. Below are some of the ideas and concepts that put us in the ‘box’:

  • My well being is greater than yours
  • My needs are greater than yours
  • You are less than me
  • I am greater than you
  • You are greater than me
  • My country is better than others
  • My religion is the only religion
  • If you do not belong to my religion you can be persecuted
  • My countries political and economic systems are the only ones that work
  • To kill others that don’t believe the way I do is okay
  • To lie is okay
  • To hate others is okay
  • Women are inferior
  • Women and children are property
  • Other races are inferior
  • I am right you are wrong

I think you can see from this list how we have put ourselves in the ‘box’. Because of these ideas and concepts and many others we limit ourselves to what can resolve Earthlings problems. They keep us from the infinite possibilities available to our imaginations to do so. By using new Ideas and concepts that are outside this ‘box’ Earthlings have put them selves in. Ones that can help us solve the problems and issues we are faced with on our Space Ship Earth.

The reason we are in this ‘box’ is as complicated as our history of being Earthlings on this our Space Ship Earth. Our minds evolved over time. We did not just appear on this planet with the ideas and concepts that exist now. They have developed over the centuries it has taken Earthlings to get where we are today. Earthlings have changed ideas and concepts about how things work constantly. These changes have been by necessity, design or force of nature. So we are thinking outside the box just not by intention of the results. Thus we have come to this world where there still exists poverty, disease, hunger, thirst and strife .

The question then becomes what is thinking outside the box. It doesn’t mean that Earthlings need to give up their beliefs, what ever they may be. Earthlings just need to think about changing their ideas and concepts for the greater good of all Earthlings. As a start lets take the ideas and concepts listed above that put us in the ‘box’ and see what thinking outside the box does.

  • Our well being is dependent on each other
  • Our needs are important as equals
  • No one is less than or greater than another
  • This world belongs to all of us and we are not divided
  • I can have my belief about God and you can have yours
  • No one needs to convert anyone else, we are each responsible for our own beliefs
  • As Earthlings we agree on a political and economic system that works for us all
  • Killing another Earthling is not a consideration
  • The truth sets us free to interact together in harmony
  • Love is a universal desire
  • No one is inferior or superior to any one else
  • There is no such thing as property, this Planet Earth belongs to all
  • All races are equal
  • There is always more than one way to solve a problem, let us work together to find that way

I hope that you can see that we can think outside the ‘box’. It just takes stepping back and seeing a different way to do things. Of coarse there are even more ways to think outside the ‘box’. It just takes us as Earthlings to see what is in our ‘box’ and see how we can step outside of it to a better way of living for all Earthlings on this our Space Ship Earth.

This is what this blog is about. Presenting different ideas and concepts as a start to thinking outside the ‘box’. To finally solve our problems of poverty, disease, hunger, thirst and strife Please leave comments about your ideas on thinking outside the ‘box’. Stimulate conversation so we can begin to change the world for the better. To solve our problems and issues in different ways than we have so far.

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