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Just as we are learning the vastness of creation, there is a vastness outside the box Earthlings have put themselves into. Throughout history we have expanded, changed and refined the box of ideas and concepts we Earthlings live in. The issue being that we still are in a box, whatever those ideas and concepts are that keep us stuck in it.

Earthlings are still stuck in the idea that we are not all equal, that women and children are property, that others that are different can be harmed, that the resources of this planet can belong only to certain Earthlings and other ideas that divide us. Greed, violence and hate still exist because we are in the box of the current ideas and concepts that have not changed enough.

Earthlings have made attempts to bring equality to all Earthlings, no matter what their color, ethnicity or culture. Women are now seeing a freedom and ability to expand themselves as never before in history. More people have access to the resources they need to live. This does not mean we have completely resolved these issues. There are still a lot of rules in the box that haven’t changed enough to completely change the way our planet works. A planet of peace, prosperity, well being and equality for all Earthlings.

There really are no rules except those we make for ourselves. Earthlings are free to create whatever they choose and we do need to choose differently then we currently are. Earthlings need to free themselves to explore all ideas and concepts that we can think of. Those that resolve all of the problems that now exist in my mind. Conflict, poverty, disease, hatred, greed and any idea that keeps us separate from each other. As I said in the past, ‘We are all in this together’. This is our space ship earth! All comments are welcome. Just click on the red button below to leave a comment Please!

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