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So here we go! Over and over in this blog I have eluded to and postulated the difficulty of moving from where we are now to something new. Moving to some form of social and economic system that is better for our Space Ship Earth and all Earthlings, not just the few. All over our planet earth we have developed so many societies and cultures that are different from each other. Because of this Earthlings are so entrenched in the thoughts and ideas they have , it is difficult to see how any all inclusive or comprehensive change to a new way of life is possible. That we can step back from this brink of extinction.

That Earthlings are entrenched with the ideas of their societies and cultures has caused so much misunderstanding, conflict and misery for so many Earthlings. All you need to do is look around our world today and see what this looks like. The Middle East has so many displaced Earthlings and destroyed resources. The U.S., Russia and China are constantly posturing and threatening each other with destruction. Threatening each other by building more Nuclear Weapons for destroying each other. India and Pakistan, which are both nuclear powers, are constantly on the verge of war over a territory each claims to be theirs. Other nations are developing or already have a Nuclear capability that if provoked will most likely will use them. North Korea and Iran are an example of these types of countries. There are so many nations that have Nuclear Weapons on the verge of using them it is amazing we haven’t already blown ourselves and this earth we live on to dust.

The question becomes the one stated above. Is it possible for Earthlings to come up with a social and economic system that will be for the good of all Earthlings? Can we step back from the nationalistic, cultural, social and economic systems we have now? Can we use our intelligence to come up with new ideas and concepts outside the box as I have suggested? Will we be able to change our minds to begin the process necessary to bring these changes about? Can we stop our headlong rush to destroy our planet earth and ourselves?

So again I ask myself and you how do we change this environment we exist in? I have proposed my ideas for change in this Blog. It has yet to stimulate the conversation I desired about how we change this earth we live on into a paradise for all. It takes more than just myself to change this earth. So I am asking you to please respond with ideas and concepts we can have a discussion about. No matter what the idea you may have it is at least a starting point for discussion. Please consider this request and respond by clicking on the link below. Thank you.

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