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It is interesting that are so many beliefs about how life begins, how to live life and what happens after life ends. These beliefs usually come from a holy book, holy Earthling or an idea from an unknown source. To name a few of these there are the Christian Bible, Koran, Tora, The Book of Mormon, Jesus, Budda, Lao Tzu, John Smith, Earthlings who had a vision and philosophers through the ages. There are others but these are the main ones that come to mind. The question is what do these beliefs all have in common? How do we use these commonly held beliefs to change our world?

A desire to determine the loving and positive beliefs these hold in common can help us to change the planet we occupy together. Earthlings together need to establish the common loving and positive beliefs each of these and others profess. This with the realization that we follow these beliefs together. That we give up trying to convert or convince others our way is the only way. The freedom to believe what we do and yet follow a common set of beliefs that are loving and positive. This is the key to our success with these common beliefs.

Earthlings can see that how we interact together now is not working. So much hunger, thirst, homelessness, suffering and killing. It is by our choice as Earthlings living in the nations and societies we do that this is happening. The current beliefs around the world don’t need to change drastically. Earthlings just need to choose to live by a set of loving and positive beliefs that we hold in common. At his point it is apparent that most Earthlings don’t even live by loving and positive beliefs they have now.

I know that is not for this blog to determine the common loving and positive beliefs Earthlings need to live by. I think that will come when all belief systems are willing to sit down and come up with these. Yet there needs to be a starting point. So below are the starting beliefs that can be acknowledged by all Earthlings.

  • Treat others as you would want to be treated
    • Be kind
    • Be generous
    • Be compassionate
    • Be understanding
    • Be sympathetic
    • Whatever it is you would want from another
  • Love your neighbor as yourself
  • Be true with your words and actions
  • Allow others to be who they are without judgement
  • No killing – Period

These are the few that come to mind with the limited knowledge of this blogger. As was stated earlier this list of loving positive beliefs needs to come from a united core of all belief system that exist now. It is only with their effort and the willingness of all Earthlings to live by them that a true change can be made to how we interact with one another. The world we live on can be paradise if we can all learn to just get along.

If you get to this Post, then please reply with your ideas. It is only together that we can change the way we interact and in that the world we occupy together.

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